What Is Postpartum Anxiety?

A postpartum mom sits on the floor behind a couch with her hands on her chest

Whether from friends, family or the internet - we get a lot of messages that having a baby is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your life. But it’s often not that simple. Being a new mom can be an incredibly challenging time as you navigate the lack of sleep, a body that needs to physically recover from birth and the difficulty of trying to take care of a newborn who depends on you for their safety.

You’re now officially a parent! But you didn’t just gain a new title or a child to care for. You also may now be dealing with postpartum anxiety. While this is an extremely common condition, it can very distressing and challenging. You may want to learn more about its causes, the signs and symptoms, and treatment options. Let’s learn more about postpartum anxiety.

What is Postpartum Anxiety?

Postpartum anxiety is a type of anxiety that occurs after someone becomes a new parent. While this type of anxiety is common among new mothers, postpartum anxiety can affect any person who is new to becoming a parent. This includes biological mothers, fathers, and adoptive parents or primary caregivers. Having a little anxiety is normal after welcoming a child into the world. Postpartum anxiety means that the anxiety is a little harder to control and can creep into your thoughts and feelings, affecting your daily life and routine. It’s also very common for postpartum anxiety to begin in pregnancy - this might be something you’ve been dealing with for awhile.

The Cause

Just like other forms of anxiety, there isn’t one specific cause of postpartum anxiety. It’s important to know that there’s nothing you did wrong that is causing you to feel this way! Many factors can contribute to someone developing signs and symptoms. These are some of the most common factors that can contribute to postpartum anxiety:

  • Family history

  • Feeling responsible for someone else’s life

  • Health conditions

  • Hormonal changes

  • Medical challenges

  • Lack of sleep

  • Lack of support from family and friends

  • Previous loss

  • Stressful life events

The Signs and Symptoms

Postpartum anxiety can make you feel like you and your baby are in constant danger. The signs and symptoms that are experienced with postpartum anxiety are the body and brain’s way of responding to that heightened state of fear. These are some of the most common behavioral, emotional, and physical signs and symptoms of postpartum anxiety.


  • Avoiding certain people, places, or events

  • Checking and rechecking

  • Being overly cautious

  • Wanting a sense of control


  • Feeling on edge

  • A heightened state of fear

  • Irritable

  • Lack of concentration or focus

  • Memory issues

  • Running through any potential things that could go wrong

  • Being unable to relax

  • Worrying


  • Decreased appetite

  • Digestive issues

  • Inability to sit still

  • Increased heart rate

  • Muscle aches and pains

  • Shortness of breath

  • Difficulty sleeping

How to Move Forward

If you’re struggling with signs and symptoms of postpartum anxiety, you’re not alone. Postpartum anxiety is a lot more common than you may think. Struggling with postpartum anxiety doesn’t mean that you’re a bad parent or unfit to be a parent. It shows how much you care for, love, and want what’s best for your child. Being a parent isn’t easy. There isn’t a simple handbook on how to care for a baby; it’s so normal to feel uncertain and lost.

But you don’t have to be alone with the uncertainty and fear that come with postpartum anxiety. The best thing you can do for yourself and your child if you’re struggling with postpartum anxiety is to seek additional support from a trained mental health professional. They can work with you to get you feeling like yourself again. Reach out today to set up a consultation for postpartum anxiety counseling.


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