Pregnancy and Postpartum Therapy

Support for pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.

Do you feel like you’re not yourself these days? Like you are having a hard time in pregnancy, struggling to bond with your baby, or not feeling fulfilled as a mom? Do you feel constantly terrified that your baby will get hurt or sick? Maybe you’re starting to think: everyone else can handle this, so why can’t I? Maybe it’s even been a few years since you gave birth but you are still struggling with not feeling good, or you are overwhelmed by parenting.

Wherever you are in parenthood, it’s not too late to get support. Becoming a mom can be a huge change. It can be hard to adjust to a new body, new demands, new priorities, and new fears.

I have a nurturing, empathetic approach to helping folks navigate issues like pregnancy, postpartum depression and anxiety, life transitions, and body image. I can be on your team. You don’t have to do this alone.

A mom hugs her toddler

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